L’associazione Utopia Rossa lavora e lotta per l’unità dei movimenti rivoluzionari di tutto il mondo in una nuova internazionale: la Quinta. Al suo interno convivono felicemente – con un progetto internazionalista e princìpi di etica politica – persone di provenienza marxista e libertaria, anarcocomunista, situazionista, femminista, trotskista, guevarista, leninista, credente e atea, oltre a liberi pensatori. Non succedeva dai tempi della Prima internazionale.



sabato 8 febbraio 2025


By Oleg Vernyk

November 19, 2024 was a sad date for the Ukrainian people: exactly one thousand days have passed since the aggression of Russian imperialism against Ukraine on a large scale. Of course, the language of numbers is not able to fully illuminate that tectonic fracture in the lives of millions of people who faced the biggest European catastrophe since World War II. However, it is the language of numbers that helps to properly immerse us in the context of the problems of the current Russian-Ukrainian war.

• During these 1,000 days, the fighting covered approximately 109,059 km2, 18% of the entire territory of Ukraine. Since February 24, 2022, they have been taking place on the territory of 11 out of 24 Ukrainian regions. They are currently continuing in five regions - Kharkov, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson. The Chernihiv, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk and other regions are also under regular attacks with high-precision missiles and bombs.

• Remaining under occupation are the 66,932 km2, 11% of the total territory, which the Russians captured after the start of the invasion. In total, since 2014, Russia has occupied 10,725 km2 of Ukrainian territory (18.3%), including the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

• According to UN reports, at least 12,162 Ukrainian civilians have been killed and 26,919 wounded during the full-scale war as of the end of October 2024, figures that do not include deaths in Mariupol. The Russians have carried out more than 1,600 shellings of residential buildings in the rear or frontline areas with which as of November 18, 2024 they have killed at least 2,600 civilians.

• According to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, at least 593 children have died, another 1,686 were wounded, many were deported and more than 20,000 Ukrainian children illegally taken to Russia have been identified.

• According to the Operational Data Portal, 6.79 million Ukrainians became refugees, the vast majority of whom found asylum in European countries. Another 560 thousand left for countries in North and Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia.

• According to the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, during the invasion, the Russians destroyed about 250 thousand residential buildings. This includes buildings destroyed by shelling and those washed away after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station was destroyed on June 6, 2023.

One could go on for a long time with these horrifying statistics on Russian imperialist aggression. The language of figures is merciless in its verdict on the aggressor, but it is clearly insufficient to describe the heroism of the resistance shown by the Ukrainian people. Let us recall that at the beginning of the Russian aggression the Western intelligence services of the NATO countries predicted that the resistance would not last more than a week. Today, there is more and more information about the agreement between Western imperialism and Russian imperialism on the eve of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama categorically prohibited (“did not recommend”) post-Maidan Ukrainian authorities to offer armed resistance to the Russian army in the occupation of Crimea. Much later, i.e. in 2023, Obama tried to justify his policy by the significant number of pro-Russian people in Crimea. Russian imperialism, as is traditional for it, first sent troops and seized all strategic facilities in Crimea, achieved the withdrawal of Ukrainian units without resistance, under US guarantee, and only then organized a pseudo-referendum on the “annexation of Crimea to Russia”. Even according to bourgeois international law, referendums held under military occupation lack legal force and their results of validity. With the occupation Putin trampled on and annulled the right of the Crimean people to real self-determination. Not to see in the situation of 2014 the obvious complicity of Western imperialism with Russian imperialism is to “put on rose-colored glasses” and ignore the analogies with the Munich Agreements of 1938.

RED UTOPIA ROJA – Principles / Principios / Princìpi / Principes / Princípios

a) The end does not justify the means, but the means which we use must reflect the essence of the end.

b) Support for the struggle of all peoples against imperialism and/or for their self determination, independently of their political leaderships.

c) For the autonomy and total independence from the political projects of capitalism.

d) The unity of the workers of the world - intellectual and physical workers, without ideological discrimination of any kind (apart from the basics of anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism and of socialism).

e) Fight against political bureaucracies, for direct and councils democracy.

f) Save all life on the Planet, save humanity.

g) For a Red Utopist, cultural work and artistic creation in particular, represent the noblest revolutionary attempt to fight against fear and death. Each creation is an act of love for life, and at the same time a proposal for humanization.

* * *

a) El fin no justifica los medios, y en los medios que empleamos debe estar reflejada la esencia del fin.

b) Apoyo a las luchas de todos los pueblos contra el imperialismo y/o por su autodeterminación, independientemente de sus direcciones políticas.

c) Por la autonomía y la independencia total respecto a los proyectos políticos del capitalismo.

d) Unidad del mundo del trabajo intelectual y físico, sin discriminaciones ideológicas de ningún tipo, fuera de la identidad “anticapitalista, antiimperialista y por el socialismo”.

e) Lucha contra las burocracias políticas, por la democracia directa y consejista.

f) Salvar la vida sobre la Tierra, salvar a la humanidad.

g) Para un Utopista Rojo el trabajo cultural y la creación artística en particular son el más noble intento revolucionario de lucha contra los miedos y la muerte. Toda creación es un acto de amor a la vida, por lo mismo es una propuesta de humanización.

* * *

a) Il fine non giustifica i mezzi, ma nei mezzi che impieghiamo dev’essere riflessa l’essenza del fine.

b) Sostegno alle lotte di tutti i popoli contro l’imperialismo e/o per la loro autodeterminazione, indipendentemente dalle loro direzioni politiche.

c) Per l’autonomia e l’indipendenza totale dai progetti politici del capitalismo.

d) Unità del mondo del lavoro mentale e materiale, senza discriminazioni ideologiche di alcun tipo (a parte le «basi anticapitaliste, antimperialiste e per il socialismo».

e) Lotta contro le burocrazie politiche, per la democrazia diretta e consigliare.

f) Salvare la vita sulla Terra, salvare l’umanità.

g) Per un Utopista Rosso il lavoro culturale e la creazione artistica in particolare rappresentano il più nobile tentativo rivoluzionario per lottare contro le paure e la morte. Ogni creazione è un atto d’amore per la vita, e allo stesso tempo una proposta di umanizzazione.

* * *

a) La fin ne justifie pas les moyens, et dans les moyens que nous utilisons doit apparaître l'essence de la fin projetée.

b) Appui aux luttes de tous les peuples menées contre l'impérialisme et/ou pour leur autodétermination, indépendamment de leurs directions politiques.

c) Pour l'autonomie et la totale indépendance par rapport aux projets politiques du capitalisme.

d) Unité du monde du travail intellectuel et manuel, sans discriminations idéologiques d'aucun type, en dehors de l'identité "anticapitaliste, anti-impérialiste et pour le socialisme".

e) Lutte contre les bureaucraties politiques, et pour la démocratie directe et conseilliste.

f) Sauver la vie sur Terre, sauver l'Humanité.

g) Pour un Utopiste Rouge, le travail culturel, et plus particulièrement la création artistique, représentent la plus noble tentative révolutionnaire pour lutter contre la peur et contre la mort. Toute création est un acte d'amour pour la vie, et en même temps une proposition d'humanisation.

* * *

a) O fim não justifica os médios, e os médios utilizados devem reflectir a essência do fim.

b) Apoio às lutas de todos os povos contra o imperialismo e/ou pela auto-determinação, independentemente das direcções políticas deles.

c) Pela autonomia e a independência respeito total para com os projectos políticos do capitalismo.

d) Unidade do mundo do trabalho intelectual e físico, sem discriminações ideológicas de nenhum tipo, fora da identidade “anti-capitalista, anti-imperialista e pelo socialismo”.

e) Luta contra as burocracias políticas, pela democracia directa e dos conselhos.

f) Salvar a vida na Terra, salvar a humanidade.

g) Para um Utopista Vermelho o trabalho cultural e a criação artística em particular representam os mais nobres tentativos revolucionários por lutar contra os medos e a morte. Cada criação é um ato de amor para com a vida e, no mesmo tempo, uma proposta de humanização.