L’associazione Utopia Rossa lavora e lotta per l’unità dei movimenti rivoluzionari di tutto il mondo in una nuova internazionale: la Quinta. Al suo interno convivono felicemente – con un progetto internazionalista e princìpi di etica politica – persone di provenienza marxista e libertaria, anarcocomunista, situazionista, femminista, trotskista, guevarista, leninista, credente e atea, oltre a liberi pensatori. Non succedeva dai tempi della Prima internazionale.



domenica 5 maggio 2024



Les éditions Medusa, maison d’édition indépendante de Kyiv développaient depuis plusieurs années un catalogue constitué de pensée libre, critique, émancipatrice. Au lendemain de l’invasion à grande échelle de l’Ukraine, alors que les troupes russes marchaient sur Kyiv, les éditions Medusa, comme l’ensemble des autres éditeurs ukrainiens, étaient en danger. Dès le mois de mai 2022, les éditions Syllepse (Paris) nouaient un partenariat de solidarité et d’assistance avec Medusa pour assurer la pérennité du catalogue de leurs homologues ukrainiens.

Quatre ouvrages des éditions Medusa en langue ukrainienne furent alors rendus disponibles et mis en vente par les éditions Syllepse, sur leur site www. syllepse.net, mais également en librairie : Pierre Bourdieu, Sociologie réflexive; Claire Sheridan, Journal d’une motocycliste; Timothy Snyder, De la tyrannie: vingt leçons du 20siècle; Judith Butler, Ce qui fait une vie: essai sur la violence, la guerre et le deuil.

Nous le savons, ce ne sont pas les livres qui arrêteront les blindés russes qui déferlent sur l’Ukraine.

Nous le savons, ce ne sont pas les livres qui arrêteront la main de fer qui s’abat sur les Russes qui s’opposent à la guerre de Vladimir Poutine.

Nous le savons, ce ne sont pas les livres qui mettront fin à la guerre contre la liberté de l’Ukraine, pas plus qu’ils ne mettront fin à la dictature des oligarques du Kremlin.

C’est la résistance populaire ukrainienne multiforme, les grains de sable que les démocrates de Russie et du Bélarus glisseront dans la machine de guerre russe et l’opinion publique mondiale qui arrêteront les chars de Vladimir Poutine.

Mais dans cette bataille pour l’indépendance et la liberté ukrainiennes, rappelons-nous le pouvoir des samizdats et l’effet corrosif qu’ils avaient eu sur la dictature stalinienne.

Les éditions Syllepse (Paris), Spartacus (Paris), Page 2 (Lausanne), M. Éditeur (Montréal) et Massari Editore (Italie), les revues New Politics (New York), Les Utopiques (Paris) et ContreTemps (Paris) et Utopia Rossa (Rome), les sites À l’encontre (Lausanne) et Europe solidaire sans frontières, le Réseau syndical international de solidarité et de luttes, le Centre tricontinental (Louvain-la-Neuve) qui publie la revue Alternatives Sud, ainsi que le blog Entre les lignes entre les mots (Paris) s’associent pour donner la parole aux résistances populaires, aux oppositions russes et biélorusses à la guerre, au mouvement syndical et aux mouvements sociaux opposés à la guerre. Ce faisant, ce front éditorial ainsi constitué adresse un message aux soldats russes: «Crosse en l’air». 


venerdì 3 maggio 2024


di Saviona Mane


Ecco chi ha le chiavi di questa guerra

Da Tel Aviv.

Vedo sui telegiornali italiani le vostre proteste infuocate nelle piazze, le vostre bandiere bianco rosso verde nero negli atenei, vedo i vostri occhi infiammati di odio dietro le vostre kefiah, sento le vostre voci inneggiare i nostri aguzzini, le vostre accuse menzognere lanciate a squarciagola contro il mio popolo, e mi domando come sia possibile. Come è possibile che il boia sia diventato vittima e la vittima boia? Come è possibile che chi ci ha massacrati a migliaia, bruciati vivi, sventrati, mutilati, sgozzati, decapitati, stuprati, rapiti dai letti il 7 ottobre, sia diventato il vostro eroe? Come è possibile che chi ci minaccia da sempre di genocidio, sia diventato il vostro alleato? Da dove viene tutto questo astio verso di noi?

Vedo e mi domando anche dov’era tutta questa vostra foga, tutta questa vostra solidarietà buonista con gli ultimi, quando il presidente siriano Bashar el Assad massacrava più di 600 mila dei suoi cittadini? Non vi ho visti allora infuocare le piazza, gridando al genocidio. E non vi vedo oggi affollare le piazze, mentre decine di migliaia di donne, bambini, anziani, muoiono nelle guerre civili in atto in Yemen, in Sudan, Myanmar,  o mentre i droni iraniani e i missili russi bombardano  bersagli civili in Ucraina. La guerra diventa genocidio solo se sono gli ebrei a difendersi?

Accusate noi di questa infamia, ma in fondo ne siete complici voi stessi ogni volta che scandite lo slogan buonista di tendenza: “La Palestina sarà libera dal fiume al mare”, ossia, la Terra di Israele – quella  che i romani hanno ribattezzato duemila anni fa “Palestina” a seguito alla deportazione di suoi abitanti ebrei a Roma – sarà libera (dagli ebrei) dal Giordano al Mediterraneo. Questo non è forse un genocidio? Manifestando senza se e senza ma contro Israele, paese grande quanto la Toscana fondato dopo la decisione storica dell’Onu del 29 novembre 1947, per dare al popolo ebraico un rifugio da secoli di persecuzioni, state facendo il gioco di Hamas, organizzazione islamica fondamentalista e terrorista, il cui statuto fondatore rinnega l’esistenza di Israele e afferma che “non esiste soluzione alla questione palestinese se non nel  jihaād”, il cui obiettivo è “ ‘sollevare la bandiera di Allah sopra ogni pollice della Palestina’, cioè eliminare e sostituire lo stato di Israele con una  Repubblica Islamica, e che “la Palestina non potrà essere ceduta, anche per un solo pezzo, poiché essa appartiene all’islam fino al giorno del giudizio” (Wikipedia). Per i terroristi di Hamas, da decenni autori di mostruosi attentati e tiri di razzi contro civili inermi in Israele, le atrocità del 7 ottobre e la guerra che ne è derivata, non fanno ovviamente parte di una lotta per due stati per due popoli che vivono in pace fianco a fianco. E’ l’anteprima di un jiahd contro “infedeli” come noi, come voi.  Per noi israeliani o ebrei nella diaspora, questa  è l’ennesima guerra esistenziale, Essere o non Essere nell’unico rifugio concessoci nel mondo.  Mentre per voi buonisti, voi che come tanti dei vostri compagni pseudo progressivi nel mondo, non ci avete concesso più di 24 ore di simpatia dopo la nostra più grande tragedia dalla Shoah, che ci additate, che raccontate barzellette su di noi ebrei, che dite non c’è fumo senza fuoco, che sotto sotto pensate che abbiamo la coda e le corna, per voi che avete scelto nel nostro caso di scambiare orrori di guerra, di tutte le guerre, con il genocidio, è un paradigma bianco e nero nel quale vi siete schierati immediatamente dalla parte di chi ha sempre minato col terrore ogni tentativo di compromesso tra i due popoli. Per ignoranza, per interesse, per trend, o ahimé, per quell’antico morbo incurabile che si chiama Antisemitismo.

Se vi stanno veramente a cuore le sorti dei palestinesi, in primis quelli della Striscia di Gaza – dove vi ricordo, fin al 7 ottobre un solo soldato israeliano non ha messo piede da quando Israele se ne ritirata di propria iniziativa, 19 anni fa – è ai terroristi di Hamas che dovreste rivolgervi. E’ contro di loro che dovreste manifestare. Sono loro gli assassini. Sono loro i responsabili di decine di migliaia di morti, feriti e sfollati palestinesi. Sono loro a tenere le chiavi di questa guerra. Basta che posino le loro armi e liberino i nostri rimanenti 133 ostaggi a cui è negata ogni visita della Croce Rossa da più di 207 giorni.  Vivi o morti. 133 bambini, donne, uomini, anziani, torturati e stuprati ogni giorno nelle tenebre dei loro tunnel, questa città sotterranea costruita coi miliardi di dollari che i loro sponsor, Qatar e Iran, hanno iniettato nella Striscia in più di 15 anni, con la cortesia dei malgoverni di Bibi Netanyahu. Miliardi con cui  Hamas, avrebbe potuto trasformare la piccola striscia di povertà, ignoranza, violenza, stenti e fondamentalismo islamico ispirato allo Stato islamico e conservata da decenni come un gran campo profughi, in una piccola Singapore, un oasi di pace, un esempio da emulare in Cisgiordania, promuovendo così la soluzione di due stati per due popoli. Invece i  padroni del jihad, hanno preferito investirli in armi, morte, fame e desolazione. E finché non ameranno i propri figli più di quanto odiano noi, come dice la frase attribuita alla nostra premier Golda Meir, ci toccherà purtroppo continuare a difendere a spade tratta la nostra propria esistenza, la nostra identità e la nostra cultura. Anche subendo le vostre accuse ipocrite, ingiuste e menzognere.   


giovedì 25 aprile 2024


di Roberto Massari  e Nathan Novik



by Roberto Massari

I find it useful to publish this text by Nathan Novik, even though - along with other comrades of Utopia Rossa - I have long declared myself against the perspective of the "two States" to solve the Israeli-Palestinian issue. It is an unrealistic perspective, which will never be seriously realized and which, if implemented, would inevitably lead to the formation of two confessional States (identified with different religions) that will never stop being hostile to each other or continue to wage war. One of the two will also inevitably be dictatorial (as has always been the case with Al Fatah and continues to be the current Palestinian National Authority in the West Bank).

The very nature of Islamic fundamentalism (fanatical and aggressive) ensures that there will never be peace between a Jewish State and a Muslim State.

For some time now, I have been convinced that the only realistic perspective to put an end to a bloody conflict that has been bleeding the country since 1948 (when some Arab states aggressed the newborn Israel to seize the lands assigned to it by the United Nations, thus causing the massive exodus of 7-800,000 Palestinians and the expulsion of a nearly equal number of Jews from Arab countries) is one Statea secular, democratic, multiethnic State (also federative, if possible).

This perspective is becoming more realistic every day, as I will show shortly. But fortunately, there are already some premises in present-day Israel where Arab components live peacefully with the rest of the population (which is not all Jewish and even Jews have different ethnic backgrounds, making Israel already partly multiethnic) and where the regime of imperfect democracy is among the most democratic in the world.

Just think of the following fact: how many examples in history are there of warring States where anti-government demonstrations are allowed? The mind immediately goes to Russia of 1917 and the US during the Vietnam era, but it risks stopping there. In Israel, on the other hand, there are practically anti-government demonstrations every week and openly so. There were even some in the emergency situation caused by the inhuman pogrom of October 7. Not to mention the struggle between different parties to go into government or form alliances. Well, such concrete evidence of democracy for the opposition makes the perspective of imperfect democracy in a future multiethnic, Israeli-Palestinian State realistic.

The most serious thing (of which the Netanyahu government is only the most visible expression) is that the current Israeli State lacks a secular character. It was not always like this because at its origins Israel was born with a secular and social-democratic perspective (including the collectivist utopianism of the kibbutzim), which was broken by the first and subsequent Arab aggressions. Secularity means that the State must be able to represent not only other ethnicities and other religions, but also Jews who are not religious. Israel and the rest of the world are full of non-believing Jews, atheists, agnostics, etc., demonstrating that belonging to the Jewish people is primarily measured by historical-cultural data ("ethnic" in a general sense of the term). And only to some extent or secondarily religiously. But the latter should not prevail over the former, nor identify with them.

As long as Jewish fundamentalism (reactionary and post-medieval in turn) is not politically and culturally defeated, the secularism of the State of Israel indispensable for the peaceful and unitary perspective of one State cannot be guaranteed. But this is a point that can only be resolved by progressive Jews in Israel, with the help of progressive sectors in the rest of the Diaspora.

venerdì 19 aprile 2024


de Edison Zoldan y Miguel Novik



No es comparable [con Israel] un país  [Irán] que cuelga a los homosexuales y mate una mujer porque no cubre el pañuelo su cabeza completamente. Que lapide a las supuestas mujeres infieles y encarcele y torture a sus adversarios.

Tampoco es comparable Hamás que mató, violó, quemó a civiles. Desgarró el vientre de mujeres embarazadas y mató sus fetos. Que resguarda a sus miembros en túneles dejando a la población civil a su suerte y de escudos humanos.

Israel no es perfecto. Pero la semana pasada se hizo el gay parade (marcha gay) con asistencia internacional (incluso árabes).

Avisa a civiles con tiempo donde va a bombardear.

(A diferencia de Rusia con Ucrania.)

En el Parlamento hay representado dos partidos árabes. Los árabes israelíes tienen los mismos derechos que los israelíes. (Son médicos, jueces, maestros, etc. ). Acaban de elegir Decana de la Universidad a una Phd árabe israelí.

Hamás inició el ataque por quinta vez, pero esta oportunidad cruzó la línea roja e Israel dijo BASTA. No queremos una amenaza constante y que nuestra población pase en refugios. 

Sabes que Hamás quiere (no puede) al igual que Irán y sus proxies aniquilar Israel.

Me vas a contra argumentar de la muerte de civiles en Gaza. Primero, es una cifra del Ministerio de Salud, manejada por Hamás y no corroborada.

Segundo, Hamás busca la publicidad internacional. Ellos podrían terminar el conflicto inmediatamente devolviendo los rehenes. Te has preguntado por que no lo hacen? Para seguir con la guerra.

El máximo dirigente, Haniye, vive en Catar, pero envía a los hospitales israelíes a su familia por cualquier dolencia.

En Gaza y en la Autoridad Palestina reina la corrupción. Reconocido internacionalmente. (Incluso hoy lo hizo Suecia y declaró que cesaría en su ayuda)

Resumen: Los dirigentes israelíes no son perfectos, pero es del cielo a la tierra la comparación que hiciste.


Edison Zoldan

(18 de Abril 2024)


Una cosa es no poder juzgar qué líder es más egocéntrico y maquiavélico para lograr y mantener su poder.

Otra cosa es no poder ver la diferencia de filosofías de vida (o muerte), explícitas y concretas:

La filosofía de Hamas es proselitista y absoluta. No acepta a israel, (un país judío), en el mapa.

Tolera que sus soldados violen a sus víctimas. (un soldado Israelí que hiciera eso va a cárcel).

En Israel estamos llenos de búnkers para proteger a la civilidad de los misiles que nos lanzan, en Gaza los túneles no son para el pueblo sino para los guerrilleros..(la socieda civil queda expuesta en la superficie).

Israel es democrático, Hamas no...

etc. etc.

No querer ver las diferencias ideológicas explícitas.... merece un análisis psicológico.

Una razón que he escuchado es que dado que la locura religiosa está fuera de la mente en el mundo oxidental actual, dicha realidad no son capaces de verla, no la incorporan en el análisis.

Pero efectivamente si el mundo oxidental tuviese la claridad de ver la filosofía explícita de Hamas, y hubiese exigido que Hamas entregue a rehenes y pare la guerra, desde el día 7 de octubre.... muy probablemente habría paz y se hubiese evitado mucho sufrimiento ....

Miguel Novik

 (18 de Abril 2024)


domenica 14 aprile 2024


di Piero Bernocchi

Da Haniyeh/Hamas alle "gabbie" di Centocelle per le donne dell'Islam

Ho scritto parecchio nel recente passato per motivare perchè, a mio parere, almeno buona parte della sinistra conflittuale italiana dovrebbe provare ostilità e massima distanza da Hamas, dall'Iran, dalle dittature fascio-islamiste, corresponsabili con Israele delle sofferenze palestinesi, ma con scarso successo, al punto da farmi pensare all'inutilità di continuare a produrre materiali in materia. Trovo drammatico che in gran parte delle mobilitazioni di queste settimane, e non solo in Italia, Hamas e l'Iran vengano, seppur non sempre esplicitamente, considerati degli alleati dei palestinesi nella lotta contro gli orrendi massacri di Israele a Gaza, peraltro sorvolando sbalorditivamente sulle atrocità del 7 ottobre, presentate addirittura come "riscatto del popolo palestinese" e glorioso atto di "Resistenza" con la R maiuscola, nonchè sui quotidiani crimini contro il proprio popolo perpetrati dalla ultra-reazionaria dittatura islamo-integralista iraniana.

Ma nel contempo mi appare altamente preocupante pure il filo-islamismo che si diffonde, in concomitanza con la indispensabile mobilitazione a fianco dei palestinesi, nel mondo "occidentale" e che fa trovare accettabile (con il mantra "è la loro cultura, bisogna rispettarla")  gli abomini nei confronti non solo dei dissidenti politici, ma delle donne, dei diversi orientamenti di genere e sessuali, messi in opera quotidianamente nei regimi fascistoidi dell'integralismo islamico, in primis l'Iran, e nelle organizzazioni collegate (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi ecc.), sotto il manto di una religiosità ripugnante e soffocante. E mi viene da pensare: ma come è possibile? Una sinistra che in Italia si è battuta per decenni contro il ruolo della chiesa cattolica (peraltro assai meno intollerante, qui ed ora, degli oppressivi culti islamisti), che ha lottato contro il crocefisso nei luoghi pubblici, che ancora negli anni '60 ha contribuito in maniera decisiva a cancellare il delitto d'onore, i matrimoni riparatori (anche quella era considerata  "cultura popolare", no?). E che mo' si beve un integralismo islamico che in Europa punta a diventare una sorta di religione ufficiale e di Stato, con le sue feste nazionali riconosciute, che vuole imporre, nei territori che sta "colonizzando", i suoi rituali ostili a più di mezza umanità (donne e "diversi"), con l'imposizione della Sharia islamica come regola di vita, incompatibile con la Costituzione, con il rispetto dei diritti umani e dell'uguaglianza di genere, mentre dove tale islamo-integralismo domina, ogni diversità politica, culturale, sociale, religiosa, di costumi e orientamenti sessuali viene ferocemente repressa.

giovedì 11 aprile 2024


por Nathan Novik

Estimados todos:
        […] creo que todos vamos a concordar que nadie puede sentirse “cómodo” en este tipo de conflicto. Ciertamente que Hamás no puede quedar impune después de haber cometido el pogromo del 7 octubre.
         Pero después de casi 7 meses de guerra provocada por Hamás y declarada por Israel haré algunas preguntas fundamentales:
               ¿No será que Netanyahu se “apresuró” en declarar la guerra y atacar, sin saber cómo iba a terminar esto ni que iba a provocar?
 ¿No será que Netanyahu ha actuado aprovechando las deficiencias institucionales de Israel generando un conflicto impulsivo, apresurándose” en atacar en Gaza a fin de asegurarse tiempo en el poder, aun cuando sacrifique a los mismos israelíes en una guerra de la cual no sabe como ni cuándo terminará?  
          ¿Siguiendo con Netanyahu, porqué se produjo el pogromo de la manera como sucedió? ¿Por qué Hamás tuvo horas para hacer las barbaridades que quiso en el sur de Israel e incluso llevarse rehenes como moneda de cambio para liberar a los criminales de Hamas que están en cárceles israelíes condenados por crímenes ya juzgados?


           ¿Por qué Netanyahu no se tomó un par de semanas a fin de llamar a países amigos que respaldaban a Israel, horrorizados ante las crueles barbaridades  que cometió Hamas, a fin de  solicitarles  armar una fuerza conjunta Internacional a fin de intervenir al interior de Gaza? ¿De manera que hubiese sido un conjunto internacional incluyendo países árabes que no desean la violencia y el terrorismo?
         Si así hubiese ocurrido aun cuando el intento hubiese fracasado, la situación de Israel actual, sería diferente. Porque lo ONU ni ningún país civilizado podría acusar a Israel del costo en destrucción y muertes, (independientemente de que no han sido intencionales y provocadas como se le acusa), al  haber entrado sólo a Gaza a neutralizar, debilitar, tratar de recuperar los rehenes, entre tantos aspectos que sin duda son justos y necesarios no solo para Israel sino también para los palestinos que anhelan vivir en paz y para el mundo civilizado. 
        Ahora hay que centrarse en eso. Tendría que surgir en Israel la posibilidad de que lo antes posible Netanyahu abandone su cargo, cambien los liderazgos y se proceda a un esfuerzo internacional respecto a las Organizaciones terroristas, comenzando por Hamás y siguiendo a nivel planetario con las demás, cualesquiera sean sus motivaciones para generar terror.
          Si cada cual de ustedes lee lo que ha escrito, ninguno esta errado. Sáquenle los adjetivos de “equívocos, de culpas o de descalificaciones”: Eso distorsiona el fondo de lo que ustedes expresan: tienen razón en lo que dicen.
            La actual tragedia en Gaza es parte de que Israel por sí sólo se apresura en castigar a Hamas sin un intento previo de generar con urgencia un esfuerzo internacional. Fracasado o no ese intento, la situación de Israel y el grado de antipatía que ha generado a través de una prensa que no le interesa informar sino llamar la atención y culpar a Israel, sin duda que en las actuales circunstancias es muy fácil de ser culpado de todo… Transformándolo de víctima en victimario...
           Pero la figura de Netanyahu y de la debilidad institucional israelí está detrás de todo esto 
        No a la impunidad de Hamas. No puede quedar impune. Pero es necesario un acuerdo Internacional para proceder a continuar la tarea de hacer que Hamás devuelva los rehenes, se debilita o desaparezca su poder de agresión violenta y deje de gobernar en Gaza.
           Pero SI a desentrañar el papel de Netanyahu y otros/as más involucrados/s que hubiera a través de la justicia y SI a tratar de que una fuerza internacional y países árabes junto con palestinos que amen la paz se hagan cargo de gobernar la denominada Palestina como un todo...
Cordialmente, Nathan

martedì 9 aprile 2024


por Edison Zoldan


Ninguna otra guerra en la historia de todas las guerras estuvo bajo un microscopio tan internacional, ningún otro ejército tuvo que comportarse de manera tan educada con sus peores enemigos, ninguna otra nación tuvo que alimentar a los criminales que asesinaron y secuestraron a los suyos, ningún otro militar fue tan indulgente con los salvajes que violaban a sus mujeres y quemaban vivos a sus hijos y padres. Ningún otro país fue jamás más odiado y cuestionado por defenderse, ningún otro pueblo, de ningún país del mundo, fue más acosado, insultado, castigado, sancionado, mentido, deshumanizado por los partidarios del terrorismo en línea y atacado y bombardeado diariamente por sangrientos terroristas enfermos.

Ningún otro país tuvo más resoluciones de la ONU, ningún otro país atacado por terroristas de todo tipo y provenientes de todas partes de sus fronteras fue jamás llamado “estado terrorista” al defender a sus ciudadanos. Ningún otro conjunto de pruebas militares sobre los crímenes de guerra de los terroristas fue más ignorado por la OMS y otros organismos oficiales. Ningún otro territorio realmente ocupado -como el norte de Chipre, por Turquía o Crimea, por Rusia...- inundó jamás las calles o los campus universitarios con un “activismo” tan absurdo y patético para un país que nunca les importó antes de octubre.

Ninguna otra mujer, de cualquier nación o religión, fue más dudada o menos apoyada como las mujeres israelíes. Ningún otro rehén, de ningún ataque terrorista, fue más ignorado por la opinión pública, ningún otro BEBÉ en el mundo fue secuestrado durante 6 meses, tiempo durante el cual ni UNICEF, ni CRUZ ROJA, ni AMNISTÍA..., nadie fue siquiera tuiteado una vez sobre ello, su liberación….

Bienvenidos al antisemitismo, la nueva temporada. Producido por Irán y los islamistas radicales de todo el mundo. Comparte

lunedì 1 aprile 2024


por Cristina Franco

Caro Roberto,

te envío una interesante contribución sobre algunas cuestiones jurídicas relativas a Israel, que me parece de especial relevancia en este momento. El artículo de Cristina Franco ya ha sido publicado en el sitio web de la Asociación Italia-Israel, y sé que Utopia Rossa generalmente no reproduce artículos aparecidos en otros lugares; pero en este caso tal vez podamos hacer una excepción a la regla.

Con Israel ocurre algo muy extraño, que no ocurre en otros casos: usted, yo y muchos otros criticamos a Putin y a la Federación Rusa por la agresión contra Ucrania, pedimos la retirada de sus tropas dentro de sus fronteras y tal vez una compensación para Ucrania; pero no nos dedicamos a proponer la destrucción de Rusia.

Se puede estar de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con las decisiones de los distintos gobiernos israelíes, tanto internamente como hacia los Estados vecinos. Pero las exigencias que se le hacen a Israel no se las hacen a nadie más.

Isis acaba de reivindicar la responsabilidad de una terrible masacre en Moscú.

Puedes imaginar a alguien diciendo: «Tras el terrible ataque llevado a cabo por Isis en Moscú, pedimos a los rusos que muestren moderación y actúen únicamente de acuerdo con las leyes internacionales. Pedimos un alto al fuego inmediato entre las partes. Además, en Rusia debería crearse un Estado libre dedicado a Isis, es decir, dos Estados para dos pueblos. Pedimos a los rusos que garanticen un suministro regular de camiones con alimentos, combustible y equipos médicos a los miembros del Isis hasta que se resuelva el problema».

¡Pero esto es exactamente lo que se le pide a Israel con respecto a Hamás!

La autora es una abogada de Savona, gestora local de Italia-Israel desde hace algunos años, y muy activa en iniciativas que alguna vez hubiéramos llamado «contrainformación».

En particular, quisiera señalarles a ustedes y a los lectores de Utopia Rossa el preestreno de una película sobre las atrocidades del 7 de octubre de 2023 el 5 de abril, que tendrá lugar a las 18.00 horas en la sede de la provincia de Savona.

Uyn cordial saludo,

Luciano Dondero


Cada vez es más evidente que hay dos categorías de derecho internacional: el que se aplica a todos los países del mundo y el especialmente hecho a medida que se aplica y cuyo cumplimiento solo se exige a Israel.

Preliminarmente, parece curioso que se deba invocar el derecho internacional con respecto a Israel cuando se enfrenta a una organización terrorista como Hamás, que desconoce y pisa cualquier hipótesis de derecho, humanitario e internacional, que masacra, tortura, humilla y secuestra a civiles inocentes, entre ellos ancianos mujeres y niños, civiles cuyo sufrimiento no solo acepta sino cuyo sufrimiento busca. Según el ordenamiento internacional, quienes realizan tales barbaridades podrían y deberían ser acusados y juzgados y condenados por cualquier tribunal penal nacional.

domenica 31 marzo 2024


by Roberto Massari


The true reasons for which Van Gogh cut off his ear and then had it delivered to a woman have never been clear. However, that act of self-harm certainly was the result of a state of mental alteration, let's say personal madness. On the other hand, the cut of the ear of Saidakrami M. Rachalbalizoda (to whom the ear was then put in his mouth) is not mysterious, insane, or personal: it was an official decision of the Russian government under Putin.

This is demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt by the fact that the mutilation was recorded in a video, which was then posted online, with the announcement by the soldier «butcher» that the knife used will be sold at auction. To imagine that in a dictatorial and fiercely police state regime like the Russian one, all of this was done without the consent of the authorities would mean not understanding anything about Putin's regime and the functioning of his State police (FSB and other agencies that I have described in a previous article and in my book on Čeka).

In 2004, I published (as Massari publisher and edited by the Free Iraq Committees) a book entitled: Torture «Made in the USA». Journey into the American Gulag. The book took the opportunity from the torture practiced by CIA agents and American soldiers in the Abu Ghraib prison (in Iraq, where Saddam Hussein had about 4,000 detainees killed), but then expanded the discussion to Guantánamo Bay, Bagram (Afghanistan), and the many other repressive horrors employed by the US government after September 11. I am proud to have published it (the only one in Italy) and I would very much like to do the same (again as a publisher) for the tortures and assassinations carried out by Putin's government. Moreover, now it would really be worth, not only for the recent tortures made official by the government but also for the way in which Navalny's and others opponents are being killed. For lack of information, though, I would have some difficulty publishing a book on the spread of the «oligarch syndrome», which for some years - specifically since the beginning of the aggression in Ukraine - has been claiming dozens of victims among the economic elite.

However, some important differences must be understood. The photographs that made the world aware of the barbarism of Abu Ghraib were not the result of official decisions, but of the torturers' stupid vainglory. So much so that they were then tried and variously condemned by the US government itself, not for the photos, but for having carried out the torture. Something unimaginable in Putin's regime or Lukashenka's Belarus.

None of this, in fact, will happen in Russia, where the other three attackers of March 23 at the Crocus City Hall were also tortured and exhibited in public with the obvious signs of torture. In short, it is clear that Putin's government intends to tell the whole world that in Russia torture is practiced with State consent and that it will normally be used against anyone guilty of attacks or other forms of savage aggression: over time, perhaps it could extend to other categories considered dangerous for the stability of the regime. Therefore torture - in the past always and only practiced unofficially by the Soviet and Brezhnevian police - now becomes official in Russia, while the practice of mutilation is added, always officially.

And this is news, at least officially. (I am not aware that official mutilations were carried out under Stalin's regime: indeed, in the Solovki Gulag, for example, prisoners were allowed to die of gangrene rather than amputating the limb of the inmate who was no longer fit to work... )

I will be told that Tajik ear cut is nothing new on the face of the Earth, given that «legal» mutilations are practiced in various countries, especially Islamic ones, among which Iran obviously stands out as it cuts off the toes of criminals or thieves' hands and practiced judicial blinding even as recently as 2016. Furthermore, some Iranian political currents that are more reactionary than the government (is this ever possible?) propose that judicial mutilations and rapes also be used as punishment for male opponents and female opponents of the regime.

But what about the barbarism of ISIS-K? There is nothing to add because the condemnation of the entire world was unanimous, immediate and without hesitation or mincing words. And this is a great step forward for humanity, given that there was no similar unanimity in condemnation for the Hamas pogrom of October 7, which was certainly superior in terms of ferocity. But there it was Jews who were killed and this still makes a difference today for a large part of humanity, certainly for the worst and most inhumane part.

But returning to Russia, it is certainly painful to think of those poor Moscow civilian victims (around 300 dead or missing) whose death is now being exploited by Putin to try at all costs to involve Ukraine: it is as if they were killed for a second time, because with this abysmal State lie they want to hide that their massacre is actually due to faults of the government, to the Russian repressive policy towards national minorities or to the inability of the Putin’s government to resolve old questions of national self-determination left unsolved legacy from the end of the USSR.

It is not even excluded, however, that due to torture or the spectacle of a cut off ear, some Islamic terrorist will end up accusing the Ukrainian government of involvement. Nobody will believe it, in the civilized world, but Putin is never interested in being believed abroad: it is enough for him to deceive consciences in his own country and gain mass consensus, even if only at the moment and on the basis of an emotional impulse, because then we'll see... Just think of the accusation of Nazism leveled against the Ukrainian government and which Putin continues to repeat, against all evidence, in the manner of those boxers who continue to punch into the void, although dazed by the blows received.

And these blows outside Russia are more than well known: 1) strong unforeseen Ukrainian resistance and no victory in the planned blitzkrieg; 2) strengthening and enlargement of NATO (with Finland and Sweden); 3) further development of European unity; 4) economic difficulties due to sanctions, even if resistible for now (but for how long?); 5) international indictment of Putin for trafficking in Ukrainian children; 6) increase in popular discontent, even if forced by ferociously police methods to be underground (not to underestimate the families of killed soldiers and the flight abroad of young people who do not want to be mobilized); 7) Prigožin’s revolt; 8) first serious differences between the oligarchs; 9) placing the Baltic countries and Poland on military alert; 10) moral and cultural isolation of Russia in the slightly more civilized world of non-dictatorships; 11) constant use of the nuclear threat, which is a demonstration of weakness and certainly not of strength; 12) end to any sympathy that Russia might have had among the Ukrainian population, even if Russian-speaking: it will also have an undying hatred from this.

Russia has truly closed with the Ukrainian people, after a history of contrasts and rapprochements lasting several centuries and dating back to the times of the little Ruš. In the future, a Russian-Ukrainian friendship may perhaps reopen (as we should all hope for), but it can only be with a democratic, pluralistic, non-imperial-colonialist and obviously no longer Putinian Russia.

Russia is paying all these prices only to allow the oligarchs to maintain their mafia-capitalist power and snatch some pieces of land from Ukraine, according to the old colonial logic of territorial conquests: something that the USA has not done since 1898, that is, since the Spanish-American War, having since then preferred the penetration of financial capital and the use of wars of aggression only for the purposes of containment (even if sometimes of extermination, as in Vietnam, for example). But if unfortunately the Russians were to manage to maintain the occupied territories militarily, it would be the first time that their war of conquest was victorious. Previously they had lost them all (with Japan in 1904-1905, with Poland in 1919-21, twice with Finland, with Afghanistan, with East Germany). The only ones who won were thanks to the alliance with the Nazis.

Therefore, it couldn't have gone any worse after the aggression against Ukraine and it's not over yet...

However, I would like to make one final consideration, always taking inspiration from the cut of the ear and its insertion into the mouth of the Tajik terrorist. And it is the discourse on rampant barbarism that is objectively unifying a reactionary front that is firstly anti-American (anti-United States), then anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish, then anti-European and, who knows, at a certain point it may also become anti-Christian in a militant form (culturally it already is)… Do not be fooled by the fact that this time ISIS-K has struck Russia, an important component of the most reactionary front, because in reality the world of Islamic fundamentalism is not interested in whether there are democratic or dictatorial countries, Kirill’s Orthodox Russians or Lebanese Maronite Catholics or Trump’s Evangelical fanatics or moderate and tolerant Catholics like Pope Francis: due to their fanaticism they are all infidels, enemies of Islam and therefore sooner or later to be exterminated. Starting with the Jews, of course.

And this is where Putin is making a tragic mistake of historical perspective because he is primarily concerned with maintaining his personal power and not with Russia's political future. He does not realize that the reactionary and post-medieval forces of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and other various Islamic components - who would like to destroy Israel and massacre its inhabitants - if unfortunately they succeed (but fortunately they have no chance of succeeding) , they would then turn against other countries, including Russia. The Crocus attack - preceded over the years by similar Islamic attacks in Russian territories - is only a preview of what could happen in the future if Israel were to collapse under the blows of one or more Islamic states. Islamic terrorism would spread across Europe (Western and Eastern) without any more restraints. For this too we should be grateful to the people of Israel who resist on the front line, despite mistakes and terrible right-wing governments, produced in turn by the genocidal climate that arose after the aggression of the Arab League in 1948 which destroyed the social democratic ambitions of the new State decided by the United Nations.

If Russia were run by a government capable of looking to the future and the true interests of its people, it would stop the war against Ukraine and integrate itself into the European Community (where Russia could have a preponderant role, with great advantage for the living conditions of its citizens) and would create a pan-European counterweight to the growing Chinese aggressiveness: this represents a real and terrible threat for the future of the new generations, if there also does not take place a turning point towards democracy (even if imperfect, but still better than the current ruthless «Marxist-Leninist» dictatorship).

Of course, the world would require a much different investment of energy, not to wage war, but to fight climate change, the degradation of planet Earth and digital dehumanization (with its devastating consequences on the intellectual maturation of the new generations). But Putin, the Chinese government, Iran and Islamic fundamentalism, and many of the dictatorial regimes around the world are fighting on the front lines against this prospect of progress and peace for humanity.

And regarding the dictatorial regimes, how can we fail to take into account the investigations of the Democracy Index, according to which out of 167 countries examined annually, there are 24 considered fully democratic, 48 imperfectly democratic, 36 hybrid and 59 fully dictatorial? Is this the level of political maturation of humanity at the beginning of the Third Millennium? Can anything still be done to change this political drift of humanity?

It would seem not, given that currently initiatives in support of dictatorial regimes, Islamic anti-Semitism and the destruction of the State of Israel are growing in the world, while there are no demonstrations against the killing of Naval'nyj or the cut of the ear in Moscow, or Russian aggression in Ukraine, or Hamas' genocidal program against Israel. These demonstrations are not only anti-Semitic, but reactionary in the deepest sense of the term because in a comparison between capitalisms of different levels of social development, they side with the more retrograde and reactionary ones, sometimes even still imbued with medieval legacies (Tsarist, Islamic, etc. )

And so to the barbarism of Putin, the ayatollahs, Hamas, North Korea and the Chinese government, we are also adding the barbarism of those young people who, although born in imperfectly democratic regimes, are expressing support for dictatorial regimes and rampant anti-Semitism. At the basis of this degeneration in the processes of youth radicalization there is certainly ignorance of historical facts, but above all there is the need for digital protagonism which has now become unstoppable, also induced by the spread of social networks, digital tools and false myths of mass society.

On other occasions in the past, the discomfort of young people or their deviated radicalization has led to tragedies for humanity (Fascism and Nazism first and foremost). Let it not happen again, because this time, in the face of Putin's atomic threats, the world is truly risking disappearing for the first time in a single large explosion. Putin's supporters (explicit or camouflaged) could try to understand at least this, perhaps starting from a reflection on the meaning of an ear-cut officially decided by the government of a country that instead has a great history of culture and scientific achievements behind it.

Putin's atomic threats make the world context truly dangerous. I believe that humanity has never risked as much as at this moment.

And let's remember what it meant in August-September 1939 that there was on one side the reactionary alignment of Hitler-Stalinist totalitarianism and on the other that of democracies divided among themselves…


RED UTOPIA ROJA – Principles / Principios / Princìpi / Principes / Princípios

a) The end does not justify the means, but the means which we use must reflect the essence of the end.

b) Support for the struggle of all peoples against imperialism and/or for their self determination, independently of their political leaderships.

c) For the autonomy and total independence from the political projects of capitalism.

d) The unity of the workers of the world - intellectual and physical workers, without ideological discrimination of any kind (apart from the basics of anti-capitalism, anti-imperialism and of socialism).

e) Fight against political bureaucracies, for direct and councils democracy.

f) Save all life on the Planet, save humanity.

g) For a Red Utopist, cultural work and artistic creation in particular, represent the noblest revolutionary attempt to fight against fear and death. Each creation is an act of love for life, and at the same time a proposal for humanization.

* * *

a) El fin no justifica los medios, y en los medios que empleamos debe estar reflejada la esencia del fin.

b) Apoyo a las luchas de todos los pueblos contra el imperialismo y/o por su autodeterminación, independientemente de sus direcciones políticas.

c) Por la autonomía y la independencia total respecto a los proyectos políticos del capitalismo.

d) Unidad del mundo del trabajo intelectual y físico, sin discriminaciones ideológicas de ningún tipo, fuera de la identidad “anticapitalista, antiimperialista y por el socialismo”.

e) Lucha contra las burocracias políticas, por la democracia directa y consejista.

f) Salvar la vida sobre la Tierra, salvar a la humanidad.

g) Para un Utopista Rojo el trabajo cultural y la creación artística en particular son el más noble intento revolucionario de lucha contra los miedos y la muerte. Toda creación es un acto de amor a la vida, por lo mismo es una propuesta de humanización.

* * *

a) Il fine non giustifica i mezzi, ma nei mezzi che impieghiamo dev’essere riflessa l’essenza del fine.

b) Sostegno alle lotte di tutti i popoli contro l’imperialismo e/o per la loro autodeterminazione, indipendentemente dalle loro direzioni politiche.

c) Per l’autonomia e l’indipendenza totale dai progetti politici del capitalismo.

d) Unità del mondo del lavoro mentale e materiale, senza discriminazioni ideologiche di alcun tipo (a parte le «basi anticapitaliste, antimperialiste e per il socialismo».

e) Lotta contro le burocrazie politiche, per la democrazia diretta e consigliare.

f) Salvare la vita sulla Terra, salvare l’umanità.

g) Per un Utopista Rosso il lavoro culturale e la creazione artistica in particolare rappresentano il più nobile tentativo rivoluzionario per lottare contro le paure e la morte. Ogni creazione è un atto d’amore per la vita, e allo stesso tempo una proposta di umanizzazione.

* * *

a) La fin ne justifie pas les moyens, et dans les moyens que nous utilisons doit apparaître l'essence de la fin projetée.

b) Appui aux luttes de tous les peuples menées contre l'impérialisme et/ou pour leur autodétermination, indépendamment de leurs directions politiques.

c) Pour l'autonomie et la totale indépendance par rapport aux projets politiques du capitalisme.

d) Unité du monde du travail intellectuel et manuel, sans discriminations idéologiques d'aucun type, en dehors de l'identité "anticapitaliste, anti-impérialiste et pour le socialisme".

e) Lutte contre les bureaucraties politiques, et pour la démocratie directe et conseilliste.

f) Sauver la vie sur Terre, sauver l'Humanité.

g) Pour un Utopiste Rouge, le travail culturel, et plus particulièrement la création artistique, représentent la plus noble tentative révolutionnaire pour lutter contre la peur et contre la mort. Toute création est un acte d'amour pour la vie, et en même temps une proposition d'humanisation.

* * *

a) O fim não justifica os médios, e os médios utilizados devem reflectir a essência do fim.

b) Apoio às lutas de todos os povos contra o imperialismo e/ou pela auto-determinação, independentemente das direcções políticas deles.

c) Pela autonomia e a independência respeito total para com os projectos políticos do capitalismo.

d) Unidade do mundo do trabalho intelectual e físico, sem discriminações ideológicas de nenhum tipo, fora da identidade “anti-capitalista, anti-imperialista e pelo socialismo”.

e) Luta contra as burocracias políticas, pela democracia directa e dos conselhos.

f) Salvar a vida na Terra, salvar a humanidade.

g) Para um Utopista Vermelho o trabalho cultural e a criação artística em particular representam os mais nobres tentativos revolucionários por lutar contra os medos e a morte. Cada criação é um ato de amor para com a vida e, no mesmo tempo, uma proposta de humanização.