giovedì 14 dicembre 2017


This op-ed by Roberto Savio, IPS founder and President Emeritus, is adapted from a statement he made as a panelist on ‘Migration and Human Solidarity, a Challenge and an Opportunity for Europe and the MENA region’, held on 14 December at the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue.

© El Roto
At the outset my thanks to Dr. Hanif Hassan Ali Al Qassim and ambassador Idriss Jazairy, who lead the Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue, for organizing this panel discussion at a critical moment in history. The Centre is one of the few actors for peace and cooperation between the Arab world and Europe. As a representative of global civil society, I think it will be more meaningful if I speak without the constraints of diplomacy and I make frank and unfettered reflections.
The misuse of religion, populism and xenophobia is a sad reality, which is not clearly addressed any longer, but met with hypocrisy and not outright denunciation. Only now the British are realizing that they voted for Brexit on the basis of a campaign of lies. But nobody has taken on publicly Johnson or Farage, the leaders of Brexit, after Great Britain accepted to pay, as one of the many costs of divorce, at least 45 billion euros, instead of saving 20 billion euros, as claimed by the ‘brexiters’. And there are only a few analysis on why political behaviour is more and more a sheer calculation, without any concern for truth or the good of the country.
President Trump could be a good case study on the relations between politics and populism. Just a few days ago the United States has declared that it is withdrawing from the UN Global Compact on Migration. This has nothing to do with the interest or the identity of the United States, which has built itself as a country of immigrants. It has to do with the fact that this decision is popular with a part of American population which is voting for President Trump, like the Evangelicals. I have here to show the message they are circulating, after the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This is what is said in the Bible. If we recreate the world described in the Bible, Jesus will make his second coming to earth, and only the righteous will be rewarded. And therefore they think that Trump brings the world closer to the return of Christ, and therefore he acts for the good of their beliefs. Evangelicals are close to thirty millions, and they strongly believe that, when the second coming of Jesus happens, He will recognize only them as the believers who are on the right path. Trump is not an Evangelical, and he has shown little interest in religion. But, as each of his actions, he is coherent with his views during the campaign, which brought together all the dissatisfied people, catapulting him into the White House. Everything he does is not in the interest of the world or of the United States. He is just focused on keeping the support of his electors – those who do not come from big towns, academia, media and the Silicon Valley. They come mainly from impoverished and uninformed white electors, who feel left out from the benefits of globalisation. They believe those benefits went to the elite, the big towns and the few winners, and believe there is an international plot to humiliate the United States. So, climate change for them and Trump is a Chinese hoax! During the first year, Trump can well have a shocking approval rating of 32%, the lowest in history for a President of the United States. But 92% of his voters would re-elect him. And as only 50% of Americans vote, he can conveniently ignore general public opinion.
It is not the place here to go deeper into American political trends. But Trump is a perfect example to see why a large number of Europeans – or even countries as Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic – are ignoring the decisions of the European Union on migrants, and why populism, xenophobia and nationalism are on the rise everywhere.
Fear has become the tool to get to power. Historians agree that two main engines of change in history are greed and fear.
Well, we have been trained, since the collapse of communism, to look to greed as a positive value. Market (not men or ideas) was the new paradigm. States were an obstacle to a free market. Globalisation – it was famously said – would lift all boats and benefit everybody. In fact, market without rules was self-destructive, and not all boats were lifted, but only yachts, the bigger the better. The rich became richer, and the poor poorer. The process is so speedy, that ten years ago the richest 528 people had the same wealth of 2.3 billion people. This year they have become 8, and this number is likely to shrink soon. All statistics are clear, and globalisation based on free market is losing some of its shine.
But meanwhile we have lost many codes of communication. In the political debate there is no more reference to social justice, solidarity, participation, equity, the values in the modern constitutions on which we built international relations. Now the codes are competition, success, profit and individual achievement. During my lectures at school, I am dismayed to see a materialistic generation who does not care to vote, to change the world. And the distance between citizens and political institutions is increasing every day. The only voices reminding us of justice and solidarity are voices from religious leaders: Pope Bergoglio, the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, and the Grand Mufti Muhammad Hussein – just to name the most prominent. And with media who are now also based on market as the only criteria, those voices are becoming weaker.
After a generation of greed, we are now in a generation of fear. We should notice that, before the great economic crisis of 2009 (provoked by greed: banks have paid until now 280 billion dollars of penalties and fines), xenophobe and populist parties were always minorities (with exception of Le Pen in France). The crisis created fear and uncertainties, and then immigration started to rise, especially after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and that of Libya in 2011. We are now in the seventh year of the Syrian drama, which displaced 45% of the population. Merkel is now paying a price for her acceptance of Syrian refugees, and it is interesting to note that two thirds of the votes to Alternative für Deutschland, the populist and xenophobe party, come from former East Germany, that has few refugees, but an income which is nearly 25% lower. Fear, again, has been the engine for change of German history.
Europe was direct responsible for these migrations. A famous cartoonist, El Roto from El País, has made a cartoon showing bombs flying in the air, and migrants’ boats coming from the sea: “We send them bombs, and they send us migrants”. But there is no recognition of this. Those who escape from hunger and war are now depicted as invaders. Countries who until few years ago – like the Nordic ones – were considered synonymous with civic virtues, and spent a considerable budget for international cooperation, are now erecting walls and barbed wire. Greed and fear have been so successfully exploited by the new nationalist, populist and xenophobe parties that now keep growing at every election, from Austria to the Netherlands, from Czech Republic to Great Britain (where they created Brexit), and then Germany, and in a few months Italy. The three horses of apocalypse, which in the 1930s were the basis for the Second World War: nationalism, populism and xenophobia are back with growing popular support, and politicians openly riding them.
But what is shocking is that we have now a new element of division: religion, which is widely used against immigrants and should instead unite us. Religion has always been used to get power and legitimacy. Common people never started the wars of religion in Europe, but princes and kings. A few years ago we did commemorate the expulsion first of the Jews, and then of the Moors, from Spain, where they lived in harmony and peace with the Christians, forming a civilization of the three cultures. And a few weeks ago, there was a great march in Warsaw – ignored by the media – with 40,000 people, many coming from all over Europe and the United States. They marched in the name of God, crying death to Jews and Muslims.
But while Protestant, Catholic, Muslim and Jew religious leaders engage in a positive dialogue for peace and cooperation, a number of self-proclaimed defenders of the faith are bringing fear, misery and death. And it should be clear that we have no clash of religions. It is a clash of those who use religion for power and legitimacy. And they ride an unrealistic historical dream. To return to a world – which is gone – where mines will reopen and the countries will go back to their former glory: a world that dreams not of a better future, but of a better past. Africa is going to double its population, with 80% of it under 35 years of age (while in Europe they will be just 20%). There is no hope for Europe to be viable in a global economy and in a competitive world, without substantial immigration. Yet, speaking about that in the political debate is now a kiss of death.
In conclusion, I must stress that we face a sad reality which cannot be ignored any longer, even if it is not politically correct. Ideals have always been used to gain support, even from those who did not believe them. And historians teach us that in modern times humankind has fallen into three traps: in the name of God, to divide and not to dialogue; in the name of the Nation, often to rally support and bring citizens to wars; and now, in name of the profit. I think it is time to make new alliances and launch a great powerful campaign of awareness on the false prophets, with mobilizations of media, civil society and legitimate politicians, to educate citizens that immigration must be regulated, as it is a necessity with whom Europe must live.
We must establish policies and this way, even after Trump leaves the Global Compact – as he left the Paris Agreement on climate change –, he will remain an isolated voice, while citizens will strive for a better world, with no fears, based on common values. We must take an unpopular but vital action for education and participation. It will be unpopular and difficult, we know. But if we do not take this road, human beings, who are the only ‘animals’ who do not learn from past mistakes, will again go through blood, misery and destruction.

Originally published on Inter Press Service (IPS)’s website,, December 14, 2017.

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